Charcoal Joe calls on Easy Rawlins to get Seymour, a young PhD student, off on a murder charge that they know he did not commit. Easy agrees but he stumbles into more than murder. Who all is involved? Who is the murderer?
This is the first Easy Rawlins Mystery I read. I liked it a lot. I've been meaning to read this series and I am glad I did. Easy is fairly laid back. He's smart. He still gets into trouble but is able to get himself out of the trouble. I liked his daughter Feather. I also liked his partners, Saul and Whisper. They seem to bring down the bad guys and save the good ones.
I'll be looking forward to reading more of Easy and his people.
The Ramsays are at their summer residence with guests. Mrs. Ramsay keeps promising her youngest child they will go to the lighthouse the next day, but her husband says they won't because of bad weather. Unfortunately, tragedy happens before they can go to the lighthouse. When they do go to the lighthouse, the youngest son is now a teenager. It is a reunion of sorts from that time 10 years earlier.
This was not my cup of tea. I found the beginning boring. Quotation marks would have helped when characters were having conversations or thoughts. I often had to re-read passages to understand what was happening as well as who it was happening to. The book is in three parts. The first part is the basic story as in the above synopsis. The second part is what happens after the tragedy. The third part is 10 years later with the return of the Ramsays to the island.
The third part I find interesting. It is a stream of consciousness by different people. Some interesting thoughts occur. Some rebellious ones. Some on how to change others' responses to one. There are recriminations and anger in the thoughts. There is sorrow in remembrance.
These people are flawed. I just had a problem making a connection to any of them. Fortunately, I borrowed this from the library for book club. It is not a keeper for me.
An anthology of four stories with BSDM as the focus.
The first story A IS FOR ASSIGNMENT by Ginny Glass has Lane, a police psychologist, working undercover with Detective Cameron Isley to break a drug ring at the local BDSM club. One night she dominates. The next he does. Things go too far, and they cannot think of the other without remembering the night she dominated him at the club. But will they break the drug ring? I liked this story. I liked Lane and Cameron. He is too used to dominating others that seeing him fall submissive under Lane's hands is good. I liked that both kept thinking of their session. I also liked that both decided to be honest when the time comes to talk.
Second is B IS FOR BONDAGE by Christina Thacher. Rachel goes to Marc to learn how to be a good submissive so she can gift her submissiveness to her boyfriend, Danny. Turns out Rachel and Marc break the rules. Danny is no dominant but an abuser. When Rachel goes to her final lesson, the truth comes out. Will Marc like the truth? I liked Rachel for her shyness. I liked Marc because he tried to follow the rules and not get involved with Rachel. When she comes for her class after Danny finds out, I liked how Marc showed Rachel her bruises did not change his feelings. I also liked that he puts the brakes on but Rachel has a mind of her own.
Next comes C IS FOR CURIOSITY by Emily Cale. Hilary works as the receptionist at a BDSM club where Mistress Rebecca works. Trying to find a private space, Hilary inadvertently walks in on Mistress Rebecca's session. After the session, Mistress Rebecca tells Hilary she must be punished for breaking the rules. Mistress Rebecca gives the punishment to Hilary. Hilary responds beautifully to Mistress Rebecca. What happens when the one time is done? I enjoyed this story. I liked that both were afraid of being fired for their behaviors. Hilary's curiosity was refreshing as was Mistress Rebecca's feeling for Hilary. I liked Hilary's eagerness and her recommendation. It was a twist Mistress Rebecca was not expecting.
Last is D IS FOR DETAINED by Maggie Wells. Sherry has to go back to her hometown to clean out her parents' shop. Not having good memories of the town makes it hard for her. While there, Deputy Tyler comes in thinking she is a criminal. He is also the only boy who said no to her during high school. He now makes up for it. Will Sherry forgive him? I liked this story. Sherry finally finds out why Tyler said no. They explore what they could have had and find out they like it. It was fun watching Sherry goading Tyler. I also liked that Tyler has plans for the future which include her.
Each story had its own special hotness. I will have to see if more volumes were written in this series.
Danielle does not have her math homework. She knows she put it in her folder. Now where is it? She finds it when she returns home as well as a pencil. Who is the pencil? Why does he have her homework?
I enjoyed this quick tale. Matthew, the pencil--AKA--the Math Monster--helps Danielle to realize she knows her math. He helps her with her confidence. Her negative reactions change when she realizes she did her math well. I did not like Kristi, the mean girl at school. She was a nasty piece of work.
This is a good book for your early readers.
Books 5 and 6 of the Club Libertine series. First is THE DOM, THE SWITCH, AND THE SUB. Zack and Serena are living together and are friends-with-benefits. Zack wants Serena as his sub. Serena wants Zack to speed up and make the two a couple. Working with Luke at the Club, he shows them that he wants them both. Can they do it? Will it work? I enjoyed this story. I liked Zack and Serena. Luke was harder to know. I liked that Luke spelled out what he was looking for. I also liked that Zack and Serena did not blindly jump into a relationship with Luke. They talked it out and decided to try it. When problems arise with Luke, they discuss it among themselves and decide Luke needs to know they are there for him. Serena has a plan and carries it out with Zack's help. Luke shows his vulnerable side and the three work toward being a united group. The second story is THE DOMINIANT'S GUIDE TO OWNING AND TRAINING A SEX SLAVE. Joshua is looking for a relationship and wants a slave. Jillian has been running a small inn for 10 years or so while raising her younger sisters. Joshua lets her know what he is looking for and asks Jillian to decide if she is interested. She decides to try it. Will it be the right choice for them? Will it go beyond the month Joshua asks for? I loved this story. It is erotic and hot. Jillian and Joshua are a perfect couple. They have some growing pains, but they work it out. Jillian has her doubts but does communicate so Joshua knows (later rather than earlier) where he needs to support her. I liked that they worked to learn about each other by spending time outside the bedroom. I look forward to more from this author. |
Kamillia does not know she is a witch. One day as she is working on her book, Luca appears at her front door saying she must go with him, so the Mastema does not kill her. Luca takes her to her grandfather's where she starts to learn the truth about herself and her parents' deaths. While there she is attacked by a dark force. It is through her grandfather and Luca abilities that she is saved. Luca receives a sign, and they must go to Italy. This is not a place that Kamillia wants to go. When they arrive, she learns why they were sent here. Can she help? Can they defeat the darkness?
I am not sure I can say wholeheartedly that I enjoyed this story. It is dark. Yes, Luca and Kamillia love each other but the ending was unsatisfying for me. After all they went through to have it end like that is a letdown. I would have preferred a more positive ending, especially for Kamillia. I liked Kamillia and Luca. I liked that they had a back story, but their present story was more positive. I wish Ahti (kind of Luca's "boss") would have been able to make some changes to their present and future.
This was not a HEA in the way I am used to in romances. I would say it's an as good as it can be romance.
CC has a one-night stand with Gray. She knows nothing about him, and he's glad she does not know who he is. A few days later Gray's car breaks down as he is driving to a meeting. There is a garage almost next to his broken down car which he goes to for help. Turns out it is owned by CC but he does not recognize her in her work gear. She recognizes him and is put out that he does not recognize her. Eventually he does and starts chasing her. When she finds out why he is in town, she tries to stay away but he won't let her. Both are starting to have strong feelings for the other but won't let the other know. Can they work it out?
I loved this story! I laughed so hard tears streamed down my cheeks. I skunk scene and the resultant scene after that were the funniest I have ever read! I could picture it all. I loved CC (Claude, Claudia). She was so strong and able, not going to let Gray (Grayson) get away with anything. Gray is wonderful. Even their fights were fun to watch. Somehow, they both managed to get what they wanted.
The secondary characters of Gray's family were great. His mother, Ida Sue, is a hoot! I loved her outspokenness. I loved that she ruled over a family that was just as crazy as she was. Their hearts were as big as Texas. I am so glad I will have the opportunity to read more of this family and Ida Sue. The villains got what they deserved. I loved that scene when Ida Sue gave them their comeuppance. Cannot wait to read more.
Shay's mother marries Ian's father. They meet in the bathroom as Ian is stepping out of the shower. Shay is a nude model while Ian is a minister. She teases, taunts, and tempts him tenaciously. He keeps showing his ministerial side and proving Shay right. Eventually he acknowledges his feelings for Shay, and they begin seeing each other. When emotions are about to explode one night, Ian asks Shay to marry him. While life is good for a while, Shay takes a job and Ian blows up. Will they make their way back to each other or go their separate ways?
I enjoyed this story. Shay just keeps on getting under Ian's skin as he does hers. It was delightful to watch their differences make them more attracted to each other. Shay had her doubts about the two of them together, but it works until she takes the job. I understood Shay's reaction. They never talked about her job before they married. Ian was judgmental towards her job and, as a result, her. Shay is a good, generous person. She sees needs and finds ways to meet those needs. She does it without Ian telling her this is what a minister's wife does. She is spot on and able to step in when Ian is not there. I liked her a lot. Ian needed his behind kicked once or twice.
This book was written in 1983 when romances were getting hotter. The love scenes did not end at the bedroom door but instead went into the bedroom. The language was getting away from euphemisms. This is a book that goes from the tame stories of the early 1970's and back to the more realistic books of today. This is part of the history of the changes of romance novels. The story is as contemporary as anything today, but it shows the evolution of romance novels. A choice read!
Will McDonald comes to the Redtails where he runs into (literally) Jess Gardiner, the Redtails marketing director who is also the daughter of an NHL scout and a good scout herself (she recommended McDonald.) Both are attracted but she thinks a bad idea to act on the attraction. Will has no problem with acting on the attraction, but he'll follow her lead. When she gets the chance to move to the NHL to work in marketing, will she take the chance, or will she stay in Reading where she might get the chance to scout or stay with Will?
I enjoyed this story a lot. I liked Will and Jess. I also liked the rest of the team. I liked the flirting between Will and Jess. I loved when she finally gives in to the attraction. I got mad when they could not be adults over her moving to the NHL. I wanted it to work out. Will had faith in her but she needed faith in herself not to give in to the stereotypes. I look forward to more in this series.
McCabe comes back wounded from Central America to recuperate at his ward's home. Wynn, his ward, is engaged and does not want him there interfering with her engagement. He shows her she has feelings for him, but he is still determined to go back to reporting in Central America. Can she show him her way? Will he stay or will he go?
I enjoyed this story. Diana Palmer is still one of my favorite writers. I liked Wynn and McCabe. I liked that Wynn did not let him walk all over her. She makes up her own mind. He begins to understand what she goes through when he is out getting a story and goes incommunicado during those times. They are a good couple.
The story, while written 38 years ago, is both a history as well as current events. The actions between McCabe and Wynn are very much a product of the time it was written. Wynn would not stand for McCabe telling her what to do today. She'd just do it. However, one arc of the story is getting enough water for the town for the expansion and industry. We see today how important it is with drought and climate change. I never realized how relevant these stories can be in today's time as well as when they were written.
Colbie and her friends are at Lake Tahoe for a skiing vacation. She's not as accomplished a skier as they are, so she sends them off to enjoy themselves on the harder slopes. As she starts toward the easy slope, she avoids a little girl and falls in the snow. She is unable to get up without the help of the most handsome man she has ever seen. Turns out he was a ski instructor and teaches her how to ski. When he wants to spend more time with her, she leaves. Both think of each other and manage to find each other back home in Seattle. Do they take the chance to learn more of each other? Does Colbie run away again?
I liked this story. I felt happy reading about Colbie and Noah. They are sweet together. She has been hurt in the past but Noah senses how fast he can go with her. His intuition helps Colbie feel safe. I hope they have more than one perfect night. This was way too short.
Lis is working two jobs to pay off her mother's medical bills. Creston is a prince who is sent to find her and bring her back to the neighboring kingdom. She does not know she is a princess, and he is hesitant to tell her for fear she will run. He discovers she is deaf. She does not believe him about being a princess until her mother's lawyer turns up at work giving her a letter from her mother telling her about her father. She agrees to go with Creston for a visit. Their attraction grows the more time they spend together. Will she be accepted by her father and his family? Will she stay?
I enjoyed this story. Creston and Lis are a perfect couple, just made for each other. She brings out the best in him. He accepts her with no hesitation. Her father is not happy with him but soon realizes that Lis can take care of herself. Lis is absolutely adorable. I really liked his parents. They may be king and queen, but they don't let it interfere with their love. His mother is great! I'm on the fence about his older brother but he seems to give good advice. I loved this story! It is a feel-good story and a keeper.
9 short stories that range in tone from creepy to funny. Each has a paranormal theme.
My favorite story was Forbidden which has Lorenzo, a vampire, bemoaning the fact that no one is afraid of him like in the old days. He also craves garlic and has a way to get it but giving in to his craving contradicts his moaning.
Another favorite was Bad Dog who is Hatach who is a hellhound. He is rescued by a human. He is funny also.
El Emperador is also fun as you get the woman's thoughts and the horse's. The horse seems smarter than the woman. They are an interesting mix.
Silent Partner was good with Charles and the tattoo artist. Charles and his significant other, Janine, reminded me of Howard and Eunice in What's Up Doc? I am not sure if Charles was dreaming or if he had the tattoo. It's a little iffy.
The rest of the stories were okay but not as good as the ones I mentioned above. These stories are worth the few minutes it takes to read them.
Harry Blackwood comes to London to return a portrait to Louisa Devereaux. Unfortunately, he cannot as she has recently died. Instead, he returns it to her daughter Christina who has taken over the male brothel her mother owned. Both are attracted to the other. Christina asks him to take her to a ball given by her father. Harry agrees but finds out the reason and is reluctantly. Harry finds himself unable to stay away from Christina, so he leaves London and returns home. Will they remain apart?
I enjoyed this story. I laughed as Christina and Harry got under each other's skins. Both say what they mean. Both are determined not to let the other get their way. Love does get to them though and they have to decide whether to trust their heads or their hearts. I was glad with what they chose. I look forward to the other books in the series.
Faith moves to Florida to escape her ex-husband, be closer to her friends, and to start a new job and life. Her friends keep matchmaking her with the local sheriff. One night one of her students who lives two doors away comes to her house afraid because she cannot find her father. The sheriff lives in the cul-de-sac at the end of the street so Faith takes Jasmine, her student, to the sheriff's home. He goes and searches Jasmine's home but cannot find her father so he takes her to her aunt's where her mother has been helping with a new baby. He walks into a murder scene. Who was murdered and why? Who did the killing? Can the sheriff keep Faith safe? Can he keep Jasmine safe?
I liked this story. The plot is simple and the murder easy to solve. I liked Faith a lot. She is stronger and feistier than she believes. It is good to see her being strong and not taking the sheriff's guff. Cole, the sheriff, is a good match for her. He is strong but knows when to back down and when to get stern especially with the murderer after her. Faith overcomes her fear and manages to help the sheriff. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.