Three novellas in this book--one with a dragon, one with a "dame", and one with a video game. Oh, and fairies--lots of naked fairies. In Georgie and Her Dragon, Georgie is a princess who is being married off. She wants someone who loves her for herself and not because she's a princess (she's the 13th one in the family.) Her best friend is Theobald the Unlucky who was cursed centuries earlier by a fairy and turned into a dragon. All he wants is sex with a lady dragon but, alas, there are no girl dragons. Theo and Georgie invade each other's dreams but it does not help either of them until the curse is broken. I love dragons and this is one of the funniest dragon story I have read. It is very tongue-in-cheek with all the asides and the fairy cursing Theo. I loved it! In Andrew Cleese and Ms. Lyon we have Andrew as a wizard. He is looking for a wife. And guess what--that's right--a fairy grants his wish. Only it does not turn out quite how he wants it. Andrew sees Demetria Lyon in his magic mirror and falls in love with her. Unfortunately, he does not know her personality, which it BI*CH. She scares everyone except Andrew. But that's because he is totally smitten with her and doesn't see the bad. When she travels into his world, her world is rocked but she cannot stay. Her trip to Andrew's world does change her but she wonders if it was all a dream. Again this is a funny, tongue-in-cheek story with a naked fairy. I liked Andrew's wooing of Demetria. It is adorable and I wanted it to work out for them. The third story is Game Over. It's a video game where the knight who makes it to the end of the game gets the princess but no knight has ever made it to the end of the game. Princess Zara is waiting and hoping. Her friends try to help her out but their efforts are doomed to failure. Can any knight make it through to the end or will Princess Zara be left alone until an updated version is released? This was also fun to read. Lots of humor, naked fairies, and unquenched desires. I loved the obstacles in the way and the shout out to the Princess Zara's favorite romance author. The cover art is great. I love the dragon on it. This is one of the funniest reads I've had in some time. When you are looking for a read that you can kick back on and laugh out loud, Dragons, Dames, and Video Games should be near the top of your list. Just fun!!!!! |