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Sheila's Reads

I love to read. I am very eclectic in my reading but I especially enjoy erotica and erotic romance. I also like movies, live theater and concerts, hockey, and counted cross-stitch.

SPEAKEASY DEAD by Vicky Loebel

Speakeasy Dead: a P.G. Wodehouse-Inspired Zombie Comedy - Vicky Loebel
  What a fun read! Set in the Roaring 20's in Falstaff, Arizona during prohibition, a young lady decides she will become a warlock by calling up a demon to say her beloved silent film star Beau Beauregard. Clara is more successful than she thinks. Now Beau is a zombie attached to her. How does she keep him from making more zombies?

I laughed so hard while reading. It was fun! I loved the pictures that were painted by Ms. Loebel's words. She has a delightful way of putting prose on paper. Her use of words and phrases was wonderful. I'll read her again just to see how well she does it again.

I loved these characters, Clara and Bernie. I also enjoyed that the story was told from each one's point of view. Beau and Hans were great as foils to Clara. The secondary characters were colorful as well. Lots of undercurrents run through Falstaff. I cannot wait to read more of this town and its characters.