Claire does not want to marry her fiancé of 9 years. When she meets his cousin, she really does not want to marry him. His cousin, Jonathan, believes he is under a curse to go mad before he dies. While the two attend a house party they meet when both hear a sound that makes them wonder if the house is haunted. To prove that it is not their friends hire a medium on the advice of her fiancé. The medium reveals Jonathan's future. I liked these characters. Claire knows her own mind. She just has to make Jonathan change his. I like how they think they are being secretive but almost everyone can tell what is happening (at least between those two.) I liked how Spiritualism is explained through the story. I figured out early on in the story what was going to happen and I wanted to see if I was right. I was! I enjoyed the writing and the repartee between Claire and Jonathan. The villain's (the fiancé and Claire's stepmother) were weak people (good characters because I strongly disliked them.) The friends were good foils for the two leads. They were the mirrors by which Claire and Jonathan could work out their feelings and lives. Enjoyable read. |