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Sheila's Reads

I love to read. I am very eclectic in my reading but I especially enjoy erotica and erotic romance. I also like movies, live theater and concerts, hockey, and counted cross-stitch.

MAIN STREET by Sinclair Lewis

Main Street - Sinclair Lewis
In a word tedious.  Sinclair Lewis wrote a satire about small time life.  His writing is tedious as he shows what life is like in a small town when you surround yourself with like-minded people.  No one wants to change.  Everyone knows everything about everybody.  No one wants to go out of his/her comfort zone.  And his uses his writing to show that. 
Carol marries Will, Gopher Prairie's doctor.  She's used to a big city and tries to change things and is discounted and laughed at and gossiped about.  She is a whiner and nothing and nobody does anything she likes.  She has an active inner life but drove me crazy. 
Will does not see Gopher Prairie as Carol does.  He sees nothing wrong with the town or the people.  He does take Carol to task at times.  He is also willing to let her do what she wants even if it is leave but she still is not happy.  They have a few blow-ups over her discontent.
My favorite character was Miles, the town handy man.  He was real but also an outcast.  I felt bad for him.
The place and time are written well.  I am glad I did not live then or there.