This is not a book you can walk away from. It is a book that you will read many times and get different information from it. The first time you read to see what she has to say. The second time to understand what she says. Then you buy it and re-read it over the years to see how it impacts you or see how you can use it to better understand race and racism and how to better your behaviors and thoughts on race and racism.
I can understand some of what she says. Other things I can't because I have not experienced it nor lived with those who have. At times I got mad. Other times I just got sad as she relates her experiences. I appreciate that it feels like she is a friend just talking to us on the porch. She does not preach but she gets her point across--sometimes through plain speaking, other times through humor. I never felt like I wanted to walk away from this talk. I wanted to learn--not sure how much I did. Time and re-readings will tell.