The newest entry in the Knit and Nibble Mystery series has Pamela and Bettina searching for the killer of the mayor of Arborville after an arrest has been made. Looking at what they know about the mayor they find several good suspects--if only they didn't have alibis. Will the alibis hold up with Pamela and Bettina on the trail? Will they find the murderer before getting into too much trouble?
I enjoyed this story. I liked how they are methodical, for them, in trying to figure out the killer. They have made a few mad as they ask their questions. I always enjoy seeing Wilfred again as he supports his wife and Pamela. I also enjoy visiting with the rest of the group. The new secondary characters are interesting. They bring some suspects along with them. A possible tree-hugger and tree dresser, a woman who resells expensive designer clothing, a former mayoral candidate. I, once again, did not figure out the killer until it was explained. I look forward to seeing the regulars again.