The Literary Ladies Society has kept meeting as ordered by the magistrate and have formed friendships although they still have to work to keep from confronting each other at times. Now they have another murder to solve.
Using Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities as the book club read, Put-In-Bay has a Charles Dickens contest as part of their spring festivities. Along with that is the rock band going to perform at the festival. They stay at Bea's B & B and their groupies follow along. After 20 years it seems the truth may be out about their lead singer but is he capable of murder to keep his secret safe?
The ladies are fun as they try to keep from getting caught investigating. Levi seems to want to get closer to Bea but she does not know if she wants him to get any closer especially since he knows what she is hiding. I did not see who the murderer was coming. All the clues were there but I never pieced them together. I got caught up in the theft mystery and missed the murder clues. It was well done and paid homage to Dickens.