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Sheila's Reads

I love to read. I am very eclectic in my reading but I especially enjoy erotica and erotic romance. I also like movies, live theater and concerts, hockey, and counted cross-stitch.

The Haunted Plantation by E. G. Foley

The Haunted Plantation (50 States of Fear: Alabama) - E.G. Foley

Colin, his sister Nadine, and their mother go to visit their Alabama grandmother who has moved into an apartment in Sycamore Hall, family home of the Randall family during the Civil War. Colin feels that something is not right but it is not until he sees a ghost that he realizes what it is. Because his parents have decided to separate for a while, Colin does not want his mother to freak that he is a nutcase so he does not tell anyone about seeing the ghost. When he realizes that the ghost's picture hangs in the dining room he knows he must do what he can to protect his grandmother. But will he be able to protect her? Who is the ghost and why is the ghost hanging around Sycamore Hall? Better yet, can Colin get rid of the ghost or will it get rid of him?


I enjoyed The Haunted Plantation. I love first person POV in a story and this is all Colin's story. His asides are wicked. Loved them! I like the creepy, sinister mood that is set with the short sentences and paragraphs. Colin's unease comes through them. Watching Colin face the ghost alone and deal with his fear of it and worry that his mother and grandmother will think he is crazy if he mentions it is wonderful. When he finally does tell, I liked how his sister responded (well, at least, at first.) The interaction between family members is realistic. The interaction between Colin and the ghost is creepy but he does what he must to help.   I also liked that history is woven into the story and that state facts are given before the story begins.


If the rest of the series is like this first book, I will have a hard time waiting for them to come out. This is perfect for those 8 and up. Just enough creepiness but parents will not have to worry that their children will not be able to sleep after reading it.


I received this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.